In our lives, our head is in constant battle with our heart. Our head inhabits the rational part of our existence, while the heart is a little more impulsive. Every choice we face reignites a battle between the two - at least the hard ones do. That's why we struggle to make big decisions. Our head is in opposition to our heart.
"Everything will be okay," says the head.
"He's lying, cry until it hurts," says the heart.
Sometimes I find it easy to listen to my logic. I know one choice is the far more reasonable one. Every now and then, though, I develop these terrible things called emotions. They wriggle their way into my brain and short circuit all my neurons. A logical thought gets lost in translation, and my decisions no longer make sense.
I get overwhelmed by a storm of emotions, each fighting for my attention. The logical and reasonable thoughts are swallowed by the waves. I am but a boat with a broken sail in the depths of a hurricane. Luckily, I know the One who calms the storms and walks on water. He has the ability to command the tumultuous sea to stop its turning and listen to Him.
Know it is okay to cry because tears are needed to cleanse your heart of its burdens. Know it is also necessary to pick yourself up, put on your big girl panties, and say "everything will be okay." My dear, it will be. The clouds may seem as black as night, but the remember One who calmed the storm can calm your raging heart.