Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tempus Fugit

Another birthday come and gone, another year past.  Another holiday season arriving, and with it, summer  becomes nothing but a whispered memory.  School is in full swing, the soccer season is over.  Soon a new year will be celebrated. It's a new beginning, a goodbye to the way things were.  It's a time for reflection, of learning, of growth. 

This past year has probably been the best I've had in my sixteen years.  As you would expect, there was some sadness and lots of tears.  But this year, I learned a lot about myself.  And a lot about others.  I learned that I can do anything God calls me to do, even if it's hard or uncomfortable.  I now know who I can trust, and who can break my heart.  I learned a little bit of what makes the world go 'round. I learned to always forgive, laugh as often as possible, and smile at the smallest of blessings.  But I know it's ok to cry over heartbreak and sorrow.

There were times that I thought I knew everything.  It was those times that God would knock me down.  Those falls would hurt - there were places I thought I could never get back up - but I learned from them.    I learned more about myself, for the good and bad.  I became a better person after it.   And God knew to put people who are wiser than me in my life to help and guide me.  Those people would pick me up, give me a shoulder to cry on, and pray for me.

No one said life would be easy. If it was, everyone would do it.

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