Monday, March 19, 2012

Thunder's Whispers

The other night, I was woken up by a dog breathing in my face.  She was shaking she was so terrified by the storm.  5:17 was a lot earlier than intended to get up, but I couldn't go back to sleep.  Instead, I read my Bible (with my dog laying beside me).  I turned to Psalms, since my best friend told me Psalms is a great book to read in the morning.  Now I understand why she's optimistic all the time.  Anyway, I read Psalm 29.  In verse 3 it says, "The voice of the LORD is over the waters;
   the God of glory thunders,
   the LORD thunders over the mighty waters."
And in verse 7: " The voice of the LORD strikes
   with flashes of lightning."
As I sat there, listening to the thunder rumble and seeing the lightning illuminate the night, I couldn't help but marvel at His power.  At that moment, His voice was the thunder.  I felt his presence around me as the rain beat on the roof.  It was wonderful.

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