Thursday, June 16, 2011

Be the change you want to see in the world!

I apologize I didn't post yesterday; I'm a little wiped out. Anyway, yesterday was good, but today was great! Yesterday, only about ten kids showed up to te park, but we played with them all the same. I got to play soccer with a couple of amazing boys. No, we didn't talk much, but it just gave them someone to pass to rather than having to kick off the fence. I am not experienced at all when it comes to kids, but I know enough to see that they were so happy that we were there to play games with them. To them, knowing we'd be back again tomorrow was the highlight of their day. I felt honored that they enjoyed it that much!

We get to out site today, and the number of kids that came was double that of yesterday. First off, they get out the Connect Four game and start playing. It amazed me how easily these kids were amused by just a few toys! I began helping with lunch, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, then hand them out to the kids. There were a bunch of little kids running around asking for more chips and sandwiches, but one little girl in particular stuck out to me. She was a small Hispanic girl who came over with her older sister. The sister said she wanted more chips, so I hand the little one a napkin. She looks up at me with these huge, innocent brown eyes as I give her the chips, and her face just lit up with the biggest smile. My heart just melted to see how happy this young girl could be with just a few potato chips. I wondered why I can't be a happy with what I have. I seem to alway want more and better, but there are people out there that have no idea what it's like to have something thy can call their own. Sometimes, they want is to be loved. As I lay here in bed sleep-deprived and thoughtful, I wonder why can't I be content and thankful for the blessing God has given me. I don't deserve any of them, so I need to use those gifts to reach out to people who aren't fortunate enough to experience God like I have. I hope to walk away this week completely having changed a child's life, simply by playing a few games with them.

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